About Me
Finding Your Faith: An Introduction

Finding and following your faith is a significant decision. If you have been wondering about where your religious home truly is, you aren't alone. That's why we created this site. With so much misinformation out there, it can be difficult to know what is true and what isn't, which makes it hard to determine which avenue is really right for you to pursue. On this blog, you'll find all sorts of information about different religious organizations and tips to help you evaluate each one to find the one that truly resonates with you and sparks your soul. We hope that the information here can help you to find your path.


How To Help Your Traditional Church Accept The Transition To Online Meetings

10 November 2022
 Categories: , Blog

The advancement of technology in ministry is a wonderful thing and can open new doors in ministry and advancing the gospel message that was never present in the past. However, the transition from traditional church meeting services to online services can be difficult, especially for churches that hold onto their traditional values dearly. Helping your church see the value of online meetings is one way to make it easier for those who are not onboard with the change. Read More …

Attending Church And How It Can Impact Your Life

2 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

While many may attend church out of obligation or simply because they like to adhere to tradition, others may wish to find a more meaningful reason. Here are a few ways in which attending church regularly can help improve your life and those around you. Making Faith a Priority Just as a neglected injury can impact the rest of your well-being and health, neglecting your faith can have an impact on your spiritual health. Read More …